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2015. április 10. | Kapusi Kitti

Mutassuk meg a világnak, hogy a rock zene él! - The White Dominos interjú


Show the world that rock music lives - interview with The White Dominos

How did you get to know the Ozone Mama band?

It kind of happened by luck. Daniel (guitar) was surfing around for some cool rock music and came across Ozone Mama and then wrote to Andris to give compliments to their music. This led to Andris and Daniel becoming friends on Facebook. Some time later a mutual friend in Canada who's also a musician and runs a radio cast that we've been included in saw that Daniel was friends with Andris and asked if The White Dominos was going to play with Ozone Mama. I believe Daniel just responded something like: "No but that's a great idea!" And the rest of the story tells itself. Now we're coming to play with Ozone Mama and we can't wait! :)

What do you think of their music?

All four of us in The White Dominos have pulsating hearts for rock 'n roll and especially when it's as well written and performed as Ozone Mama does. Personally, my spotify account has been running their "Freedom EP" countless times. I love good choruses and Ozone Mama really hits the spot. Their song "GO" is epic. I look much forward to singing along at the concerts.

How long have you played with the band The White Dominos?

The band has existed for about four years. Mads (drums) and the former bass player of The White Dominos, Casper, held some auditions. They quickly found Daniel and a few months later I joined on vocals. In late 2013 Casper decided to go a different road and in came Magnus on the bass and ever since we've worked hard with touring and finding our sound, which comes naturally by writing and playing a lot together!

Have you always wanted to be a musician?

I believe "the becoming a musician" is something that comes naturally from playing an instrument or singing through many years. The more you do something and the better you get, the more you want to go in that direction. Just like the sportsman who's good at football, for example, wants to work hard on getting to play on the best teams or the person who's flawless at maths and choose to do something with numbers. It's what you're good at that draws your path. Now in my case I've worked hard on learning guitar and singing so it feels unnatural not doing just that! I'm pretty sure the three other guys feel the same.

What bands inspired you?

I'm heavily inspired by music that includes guitar. The list can go on but I'll try to point out a few! Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Wolfmother, Metallica, Beatles (of course), Rival Sons, Audioslave and Chris Cornell in general! When it gets to the point I draw inspiration from almost anything and as long as the music is good it doesn't matter to me which genre it is. And quite often you find inspiration in situations away from the music. Tough subject but it's a feeling, you know!

Why do you play rock music?

Because it's alive! :)

What are your goals?

We have a mission to bring back the energy of 70's rock! And we love doing just that on the stage! I can't wait to rock out with the people who shows up at the concerts.

You will play the Rockstar Magazine birthday party in Hungary. Are you ready?

We are more than ready! The Rockstar Magazine birthday event already looks to be an incredible party with a massive show up. The White Dominos has a new EP in stock and we can't wait for the Hungarians to hear the songs we've been working so hard on. This will be an awesome party and I hope lots of people will come and rock out with us!

What is your message to the fans?
Show the world that rock music lives! And we can't wait to come out and meet our fans on the tour! See you all!

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