Homunculus Paradoxon
Amp Stúdió, 2010, 2011
1. | Introitus Tragoediae | 0:00 |
2. | Succubi | 0:00 |
3. | Red-Hand Succubi Theory | 0:00 |
4. | Chorion | 0:00 |
5. | The First Experiment | 0:00 |
6. | Manna Di San Nikola | 0:00 |
7. | Die Vier Junkfrauen | 0:00 |
8. | Digitale Gaudium | 0:00 |
9. | Žitije Hermesovo | 0:00 |
10. | Spire Disaster | 0:00 |
11. | Hübrisz | 0:00 |
12. | Útban délnek | 0:00 |
1. | Dalszöveg: Learn to Obey Part 1. Szent Biblia - Mózes I.3.15-16.
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2. | Dalszöveg: Embarrassment of the Fall and the Fool As Well Like breathe of naked bodies
sometime you remind me the sin. Hell as soundless well takes my head and spirit away. Your slow motion seduce me to drop out, to go away, to tear to pieces all my wounds, and flood your greedy body. You must be my punishment. Suffering facing your mouth, suffering seeing your face. Lusting for unfulfilled. Suffering facing your mouth, Suffering seeing your face. Touch of your neck to fell the sweetnes. Embarrassment of the Fall. 3x Embarrassment of the Fool... Your body flew like a feather. I hold it like a silky veil just to make our damnation sweeter. Your eyes gazing in the Sun. Like breathe of naked bodies sometime you remind me the sin. Hell as soundless well takes my head and spirit away. Once when I was walking there not in human form. Withouth life in my shell. I was dead. And when the Sun paints the sky, when your body feeds my eye with naked dignity; your liquid spine runs into mine. We’ve alredy become one with the woods of distant thoughts. Ruins of our reeking body lie waste. I took your broken arm, and you rattle my bones. I want to piece out your parts what your raging soul has torn. You're playig with my cheekbone. Purple raindrops bath your skin. I lift your arms, your eyes above to die without touching you. You must be my punishment. Suffering facing your mouth, suffering seeing your face. Lusting for unfulfilled. Suffering facing your mouth, Suffering seeing your face. Touch of your neck to fell the sweetnes. Embarrassment of the Fall. 3x Embarrassment of the Fool... Once when I was walking there not in human form. Withouth life in my shell. I was dead. And wen the Sun paints the sky, when your body feeds my eye with naked dignity; your liquid spine runs into mine. We’ve alredy become one with the woods of distant thoughts. Ruins of our reeking body lie waste. I took your broken arm, and you rattle my bones. I want to piece out your parts what your raging soul has torn. |
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3. | Dalszöveg: Conomor the Accursed and Tréphine First my love I found in the morning
her blessed eyes seduced my youngster superstition. She was young, and she was fair, she was the silver dawn of my life. – The man's who built the torture chamber. – The second one I found at midday her blessed kisses seduced my manhood. She was mature, and she was fair, she was the golden Sun of my life. – The man's who fought a thousand battles. – (Oh, my Lord I cant take this burden! They art so richer. Far more then I am.) The third I found late at night, her wisdom presage my twilight. – The man's who had blood-stained jewels. – Oh, she was solemn! (Oh, my Lord I cant take this burden! She is so solemn. Far more the I am. Oh, my Lord I cant take this burden! They art so richer. Far more then I am.) The fourth I found in my darkest hour. Thou art fairest among all them! Thou art the queen in my fragrant garden! Oh, thou art my darkness! Radiant, royal, matchless beauty. You will ever live immortal. You will treasure all my riches. You will bled to feed my flowers. You will enlarge my dark kingdom. all is yours now. Radiant, royal, matchless beauty. You will ever live immortal. You will treasure all my riches. You will bled to feed my flowers. You will enlarge my dark kingdom. NOW! |
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4. | Thor | 0:00 |
5. | Dalszöveg: Lilith and the Serpent I am the Arch Enemy
in your body of your mind. I will feed you with forbidden knowledge from the God's above. Look virgin this mellow fruits how beautiful they are. Do not be afraid just take it, eternal life will come. Oh! Lilith hear my words now! Do not you want to taste it yet? Be prudent, be immortal! Do not belive the lies He said. No women! Do not you dare it That has the Lord forbid! If you tear it, if you teast it you come to know the death. (Eat my Child... You will gain wisdom...) How beautiful fruits are indeed. They must be really tasty good for food and pleas'd for eye (You will gain wisdom...) Come husband taste it you too take a morsel from my hand! (Now you are mine...) (We are naked...) Your pitiful souls now are mine. Let us run Oh! my darling! Let us hide from the Lord! (I am te Arch Enemy of your God...) Let us cover are naked body I do not fell so safe in it. (Sátáni kacaj) How beautiful fruits are indeed. They must be really tasty good for food and pleas'd for eye (We will gain wisdom...) Come husband taste it you too take a morsel from her hand! (Now we are yours...) Go run Oh! my sinners! Go hide from your Lord! (You are te Arch Enemy of our God...) Better cover your naked body. Better cover your naked body with dust. |
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6. | Dalszöveg: Enuma Elis Kezdetben semmi sem létezett. Sem tér, sem idő, sem valóság, sem jel, sem lét, se nemlét. Ebből keletkezett minden, ami látható és tapintható.
Az első istenpár a tizenharmadik égben lakott, amelynek keletkezéséről senkinek nem sikerült semmit megtudnia. A sötétség Szele, a Lélek lebegett az ősiszap felett öröktől fogva. Legelőször ama helyen a Föld felett kiterjedt köd volt, és ott volt a Nagy Szellem és az eget megtartotta magának, midőn az Ég még nem volt megnevezve, s alant a föld sem viselt nevet. Sötétség volt a mélység felett, és Ők a vizek felett lebegtek mert kezdetben nem volt sem ég, sem föld, sem élők, sem holtak nem voltak még. Az alkotó és a romboló elemek is dermedt tétlenségben nyugodtak. Mígnem megparancsolták a víz felett lebegő párának, hogy emelkedjék a magasba, mert a Világéjszaka sötét szájának bömbölése hangzik a viharban s a mindent elborító, mozdulatlan tenger ölén fekszik. És az Ő ereje emelte a vizeket az Ég felé. Feje fölött vagyon az Ég, lábai lant pedig az Alvilág, mint tímár a bőrt, feszítette ki a földet színe előtt, a határtalan semmibe s nem mutatkozott senki ember fiának, pedig a „határtalan idő” már elmerült a sötétségben, amikor még nem volt homok, se tenger, és hideg habok sem mosták a földet, mert az még nem terült, se fölöttünk ég, nyílt varázsnyiladékban, fű nem feslett akkor még. A kezdet még nem kezdődött akkor, az idő még nem múlott és csak a ködöT ölelték magukba Ők, elveszve a térben; mindenütt jelen de mégis sehol, előrekészített gondolatból alkotva, szerelmes gerjedelemből lényük iránt, önmagukkal közösülve megszülték a Vágyat. A Vágy továbbá szülte magából és övéiből a szellemeket, a halandó lényeket, a lelkeket mind, a kiterjedt Földet és az Eget; alakította a Napot, ellenével a Holddal együtt, s a csillagokat, hogy nézzék harcukat melyeT arany és ezüst vértjükben vívnak, mint örökös ellenségek. Hatalmas fénnyé alakult át minden; érzékeny, szerető fényé fent, alant pedig szörnyű, szomorú sötétségé, benne bűzlő-iszappal, mely hánykolódott, mozgott és kimondhatatlanul füstölt. A fentiek közül némelyek közösülve egymás között nemzették és szülték a bolygókat, melyeket egyenletes pályájukra állítottak. Kiokádták a csillagok sokaságát, és meghatározták, hogy honnan mosolyogjanak az atomokra, melyek a vágy által vonzódni kezdtek egymáshoz. Némelyek hatalmas szelet bocsátottak a vizek fölé, hogy az előrekészített világosságban erősen szétfolyanak messze vidékig, helyet adva a bűzlő-iszapnak, hogy szigetekbe csoportosuljon – és befogadva a Szót, világot teremjen – melyeknek partjait egyaránt hideg, meleg és langyos habokkal öblítik s amelyek elválasztják a nagy vizeket a kicsiktől, az édeseket a sósaktól, mélyeket a sekélyektől. Némelyek közülük pedig áldott magjukat a szigetekre szórták, nagyokra kicsikre egyaránt, vagy a vizekbe, nagyokba kicsikbe, édesekbe sósakba, mélyekbe ugyanúgy mint a sekélyekbe, hogy azok is szüljönek. Némelyek csikorgó lángokat csapattak felfelé az iszap közül, perzselve a vizet maguk körül, kitolva a levegő-eget az űr és a felszín közé nagyon magasra, hogy ott lenyugodva boltozatként, lencséül szolgáljon a végtelenbe terülő időnek. Mások pedig megtermékenyítették a földet akaratukkal a Szó által, és az zöld füvet hajtott, ahol alkalmas talajt talált. Fák sarjadtak, melyek zamatos gyümölcsöket termettek belsejükben csírázó maggal, hogy az örök körforgásban sokasítsák magukat. Némelyek a természet lefelé törekvő elemeiből megformázták az állatokat. A madarakat a levegőben, a halakat a vízben, a egy- és többlábúakat, valamint a csúszómászókat a földön engedték szétszéledni, hogy melyik-melyik ösztöne szerint keresse meg a neki való helyet. És ők termékenyek voltak. Akkor pedig az Egy Szellem – az első Értelem mindegyik felett –, a lefelé törekvő elemektől azon nyomban felemelkedett a tiszta térségbe, mely keletkezett, így a természet lefelé törekvő elemei indítóok nélkül maradtak, mint puszta anyag. Majd a hatalmat adott a Fény daimonnak, hogy felismerje az ember-ideát, és megteremtse mandragóra gyökérből a porhüvelyt, amelybe újabb Értelmet és életed ad: a mindenek Névadóját, aki a csillagok sokaságából felismeri Sorsát, és mozgásukból meghatározza az időt, aki minden teremtmény felett Lelket, Értelmet és szabad akaratot kap. |
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7. | Dalszöveg: The Conqueror Worm From E.A.Poe Lo! 'this a gala night
within the lonesome latter years! An angel trongh, bewinged, bedight in veils, and drowned in tears, sit in a theatre, to see a play of hopes and fears, while the orchestra breathes fitfully the music of the spheres. It writhes! – it writhes – with mortal pangs the mimes become its food, and seraphs sob at verming fangs in human gore imbued. Mimes, in the form of God on high, mutter and mumble low, and hither and thither fly - mere puppets they, who come and go at bidding of vast formless things thath shift the scenery to and fro, flapping from outh their Condor wings invisible Woe! It writhes! – it writhes – with mortal pangs the mimes become its food, and seraphs sob at verming fangs in human gore imbued. Out – out are the lights – out all! And, over each quivering form the curtain, a funeral pall, comes down with the rush of a storm while the angels, all pallid and wan, uprising, unveiling, affirm that the play is the tragedy „Man,” and its hero the Conqueror Worm. Thath motley drama – oh, be sure it shall not be forgot! With its Phantom chased for evermore, by a crowd that siez it not, trough a circle that ever returned in to the self-same spot, and much of Madness, and more of Sin, and Horror the soul of the plot. It writhes! – it writhes – with mortal pangs the mimes become its food, and seraphs sob at verming fangs in human gore imbued. But see, amid the mimic rout a crawling shape intrude! A blood-red thing that writhes from out the scenic solitude! It writhes! – it writhes – with mortal pangs the mimes become its food, and seraphs sob at verming fangs in human gore imbued. |
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8. | Dalszöveg: Minor Disturbance in the Spirith Sphere in Antiquity The Babylonian whore drink's thee blood.
Buried eyes in her hand. She waits the bless' of new born flesh. In her womb blithering memories. Pleasure of pain. Of pain. This is the construction of your mind. The emptiness – measure of the human stain. With unholy thoughts of dignity. You are mine knife of agony. |
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9. | Dalszöveg: S eljön értünk a fény Bitumen szárnyainkat, beton lábainkat,
Aszfalt testünket, viasz szívűnk olvad; Elégeti a nap. Olvad, olvad az oltáron, áldozat az áldozat. Jajj nekünk ha a sűrű szmog felhőn, átjut a nap. Ha majd átjut a nap! Ha majd átjut a nap, más lesz, minden más, S ha már itt van, majd vakít, szembesít, Körbe vesz, ugrál, dalol és gyermeteg, S majd átölel és te engeded. Te azt kérdezed milyen lesz a holnapod, Én azt milyen volt a tegnapod. Te azt kérded mi lesz, ha itt van a fény, Én csak legyintek; - bekövetkező tény. Te azt kérded szeretlek-e a túlvilágon, Én azt mondom, ha odaát van szerelem, megtalálom. |
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10. | Dalszöveg: Beloved Wife of Man Hear my words now flower from the garden.
Hear the truth of your winsome husband. How he died, by my hand. The Prophet spoke to me through the ashes of the bones. I break into a cold sweat. From the fire spoken golden ones. We used to fight together my sword shield' his life. He saved me thousand times, In the battles. But I was possessed by his wife. One night, on a foreing land he sleept near by my bed I put my conscience to silence I drow my knife, and stabed his neck He's solid dead, in coffin bed far away in monastery Svjati Boze 6x Your oath belongs to me my dearest. My wedded wife. Unfortunately I am not with you now, on your rugged/raged path. Woman, beyond the grave I see the tormented pain of your heart. But please complay with his words and kill the bastard wile he is a sleep. Lett him be coursed! Forewer... Beloved wife of man defenseless creature the vengeance will be full from the fire spoken golden ones. The wedlock hymn was bitter She obey the words. She was his humble servant To fulfill the husband's curse. One night, on the bed of down she's barely sleep near by the vile She put her conscience to silence She drow the knife, and stabed his neck He's solid dead, in coffin bed He's solid dead, in sinful bed. |
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11. | Dalszöveg: Learn to Obey Part 2. Please obey my now.
I watch the streets was empty in your naked eyes. Please do not take sacrifice. The grave has been prepared for us in your stone-cold room of lies. |
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1. | Dalszöveg: Soul Collector Break it up now!
I'm a soul collector, I see into your darkest fear It brings me in motion, I come and I suffer, I bear Break it up now! I find pleasure in your sickness This is your doom, I am the witness Your teardrops are grazenig my skin Your scream will cover up your sin I'll take your life as you took mine I'll snap you up without a sign Take it, break it, fake it Break it up now! No one can feel what I felt No one believed I'm a vector I can't keep my hate well in hand I have became a collector Take it, break it, fake it Break it up now! Face the truth you're begging for nothing Your soul is rotted by my loathing My teardrops are quenching your thirst Our souls are naked through the burst |
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2. | Dalszöveg: Seven Faces I will cut letters out from my skin
I'll write characters with my blood I'll draw my faces with my ribs I'll form the tumble of my god 'Cause he failed me, I overkill He failed me with my last will I draw my faces with my ribs, I scratch seven lines into you You can't escape from my grip, but you've had the chance all through You're laying next to me on the ground It's not my face what you have found Where the beast sleeps lightly we find Almighty Dead... go! Lust, pride, wrath, envy - I feel so empty Lust, wroth, sloth, gluttony - I am your worst enemy Now I see, you are just dying next to me I was too blind to realize There's something more in your eyes I'm not alone... 'Cause he failed me, I overkill He failed me with my last will Where I am nobody, you feel my body Lust, pride, wrath, envy - I feel so empty Lust, wroth, sloth, gluttony - I am your worst enemy |
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3. | Dalszöveg: Cremation Traitors, liars, up there who pulls the wires
For the sake of the gain They pull the trigger again Black suit with a briefcase Don't hide the Evil's face Will we ever find somebody? Our graves are stuffed with money... in the Hell! Corrupt lawyer-Tycoon slaughter But the end is near and the pushing gets higher You're the corpse and we are the fire Marching through a conquered nation Humans feed the holy cremation Bow down to the flag of the murder Our hate will release the burner Preaching in the name of the saviour With the weapon of the god's favour The end is near and the pushing gets higher You're the corpse and we are the fire Who will find the way? The way out from this hell Who will find the way? Profit? What a sell? Tear down the walls of the dead! Tear it down, don't bow your head! |
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4. | Dalszöveg: The Ghost of Denying Sometimes I fold my hands to prayer
But I never get an answer You're sitting on your throne And punish the dying world with cancer I see your face Your skin is wrinkled and pale I see your flock Blind idiots cry for their hail But the sin and pain and sacrifices They are sworn to the damn They burn the cradles and burn the graves This world's using up them New Armageddon, troops are marching I despise compassion Unholy ghost of holy denying This is our passion God-dam! Look into yourself and realize your state Your conscience is buried by your hate You've lived like a scum, like a vile ban But you want to die like a human God-dam! Your hope will never open the gate You can't keep clear of your fate You've lived like a scum and you die like that Let's face eternity you living dead Drop dead! I am the ghost of world's denying I was born when purity was dying I am the ghost of your incredulity There's no escape, we're all guilty |
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1. | Dalszöveg: Melt Into Sternum This one you should not ever hide, cover, lend or borrow
Just open your mouth but be aware because it's hard to swallow So when your throat is fraying I reckon I'm on my way... Straight to your heart, I'm falling right into your distinct spiral Gazeing the stripes of vortex which paint bodeful symptom's mural Liquid emotion controls how you stand the treatment... Can you really choose between false and true Still-birth-day or orphanage solitude Does opinion make the substantial food Or does it make a potion of poisoned brew Apollo sees me Asclepius chastises Regretful Hygieia Rueful Panacea Anger guides your weak hand and mend the track to a face to slap it Forgiveness is yours as it seems you fight with desperate anguish That's why I stuck inside your esophagus now I'm gonna Look for a bone melt into that to be close to your heart Is dignity of the human being Dependent on vacuum tube and syringe? There's no complaint from the departers But sometimes the spoil debate is malicious Apollo sees me Asclepius chastises Regretful Hygieia Rueful Panacea [ Parts of the Hippocratic Oath ] Is dignity of the human being Dependent on vacuum tube and syringe? There's no complaint from the departers But sometimes the spoil debate is malicious Forlorn misery Before you could choose Or final relief After decision Apollo sees me Asclepius chastises Regretful Hygieia Rueful Panacea |
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2. | Dalszöveg: Candid Debauch Only two days old and bites...
Harmless ones live whilst they pass by Cutting glance from behind... Eyelids of nature of the hungry kind Growing silence as we learn... Important things about restrictions and terms Of being civil and selfless... Maybe we'll save a little space for them Feeding? No! - (way of the) uninhibited Simply wrong Martyrdom - (fully) unnecessary Underdog Breeding the load - (instead) you'd better Cure the sore Hideous hogs - they're just a... Ravenous greedy inordinate bevy with Spasmodic moving lurking leer and Maniac leaping dubious prestige so Appetizing gist degenerate being River of Barren Land conveys not too far - 'cause The finest component lacks from their mind Destruction against boon foresight Triggers dystopic visions - and even more lies Hey! Changing attire day by day... Beyond consuming they do only waste Our territory decays Proportionately with their torpid pace |
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Videofelvételek a stúdióból, interjúk Emillel, Gáborral, Betty-vel, Balázzsal és Karcsival. A felvételen feltűnik Pallagi Attila, a Varga lányok, Gregorich Bálint. A felvételre felkerült a Succubi első demós verziója is háttérzeneként. Az anyagot Köles Mihály válogatta, vágta, és effektezte.