3423 zenekar 12355 letölthető zene
Our band, Cloud 9 formed in march, 2011. Our first year so far has basically been about getting to know each other, constant musical experimentation and creating individuality as a group. We definitely want to bring something new to the modern day musical industry. We've combined different elements of music, ranging our style from acoustic, indie rock, dance to electronics. Music for us is about having a good time and being ourselves. Our goal for now is to perform as much as possible, while working on our first album.  
Albumok és Videók
Utoljára frissítve: 2012-12-31Koncertidőpontok
Nincs meghirdetett koncert
Zenekar profil
Típus: zenekari oldal
Műfaj: POP
Stílus: Indie Pop/Electro/Acoustic
Alapítva: 2011
Rajongók: 0 fő
Megtekintve: 3422
Város: Budapest
Szavazat: 0
Tagok: Mimi Koros » Vox
Mark Koller » Drums
Bertalan Toth » Guitar
Gabor Biksi » Bass
A zenekar szerkesztői: Cloud 9
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