3422 zenekar 12339 letölthető zene
We are Lifeel. We started to play music in 2002, and we're still rocking, bitches. We've played quite a few concerts over the past few years. In 2004 we recorded a two song demo CD. We've gained a few members, and we've lost a few, but we still have our same sound. This said, the current bandmembers together is the best combination we've seen in five years. After MegaStar ended, our name has grown in the area, and invitations to play everyone have been streaming in. In the past few months we've created new music with a deeper, stronger hardcore sound. That's all, hope to see you at a concert. Kisses for everyone.  

2006. október 9. 13:10

Don't let yourself 2008

Don't let yourself 2008 Tovább

Utoljára frissítve: 2008-12-31Koncertidőpontok
Nincs meghirdetett koncert
Hallgasd a zenénket!
Zenekar profil
Típus: zenekari oldal
Műfaj: HEAVY
Stílus: Rock
Alapítva: 2001
Rajongók: 1 fő
Megtekintve: 6477
Város: Veresegyház
Szavazat: 0
Tagok: Erenyei Szilárd » Dob
Kassai Csaba » basszusgitár
Kozár Szabolcs » gitár
Szolga József » Ének, gitár
A zenekar szerkesztői: lifeel
lifeel 2008. ápr.. 23.  23:31 1
Super perfect Band
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